February 20, 2009
- Steven Topazio wrote this April 27, 2014 at 3:25 am
The defendant who is on probation hired Attorney Steven J. Topazio when he was arrested for assaulting another individual with a chair while at the Cyber Café in Malden, thereby violating his probation where the defendant is facing two and one-half years in jail. Additionally, if convicted of Assault with a Dangerous Weapon, the defendant faces imprisonment in the state prison for not more than five years or imprisonment in jail for not more than two and one-half years. Attorney Topazio immediately met with the defendant’s probation officer and persuaded her not to revoke his client’s bail. Attorney Topazio next met with the District Attorney and the complaining witness in an attempt to negotiate a compromise. Today, after conferencing the case with the District Attorney and with his client’s probation officer, he was successful in continuing the final surrender with an agreement that upon an admission to sufficient facts, his client would not be surrendered and would face no jail time, provided he stays away from the Cyber Café and apologizes to the complainant.